SM Geodim 

Miranda de Ebro already has its census of asbestos roofs

Monday, May 15, 2023

Miranda is one of the few Spanish municipalities to have an asbestos census that complies with the fourteenth additional provision of Law 7/2022, of April 8, by which, within a year, Spanish municipalities had to prepare a census of installations and sites with asbestos, as well as a calendar that plans its removal.

This provision establishes that, in any case, the public facilities and locations with the highest risk must be managed before 2028 and the private ones, before 2032.

To carry out this census, the Miranda de Ebro town hall has relied on an interdisciplinary team made up of Bureau Veritas technicians, specialists and certificates in asbestos management, and Geodim technicians, with extensive experience in the operational application of spatial remote sensing data. and aerial orthophoto. Fleeing from sophistic fallacies, we have developed a methodology that integrates very high-resolution satellite data, with orthophoto from the National Plan for Aerial Orthophoto and data from the General Cadastre sub-directorate. Using digital image processing, photo-interpretation and Deep learning techniques, we generate scenarios that we submit to contradiction to reduce the uncertainty of each data and each algorithm, which allows a very accurate detection of asbestos roofing.



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