SM Geodim 

Alcobendas already has its asbestos census

Monday, March 6, 2023

The danger of asbestos is due to the inhalable fibers that are released into the environment. This release, especially in the case of fiber cement roofs, is mainly due to exposure to the elements.

In Spain, the use and commercialization of asbestos has been prohibited since 2002 following the Ministerial Order of December 7, 2001, which modified Annex I of Royal Decree 1406/1989, of November 10, on limitations on the commercialization and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations. However, it was not until 2022, when the fourteenth additional provision of Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy, has decreed that: "Within a year from the entry in force of the law, the town halls will prepare a census of installations and sites with asbestos including a calendar that plans its removal... This removal will prioritize the facilities and locations according to their degree of danger and exposure to the most vulnerable population. In any case, the public facilities or locations with the highest risk must be managed before 2028”.


Alcobendas is one of the first municipalities in Spain to have a georeferenced census of fiber cement roofs for the entire municipality carried out using very high-resolution remote sensing techniques by the companies Bureau Veritas and SM GEODIM.

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